No Upfront payment for TEAS Test Exam

Your Proctored Exam Helper, Guaranteed 90% Grade


Are you struggling practicing for your TEAS Exam? You are in the right place. Practice for TEAS 7 for free and be guaranteed of a passing grade.

TEAS 7: Happy Clients. Guaranteed 90% Grades

Get your Exam Done by an Expert 

How it Works.

1. Contact us

The first step is reaching out to us by our Contact form, Email, Watsapp or Imessage. We will walk you through the whole process to get your Exam done by an Expert. You ONLY pay after the Results and we can guarantee you a Passing Grade. 

2. Book your Exam Date

Next step is booking your Exam so we can book you in on our Calendar. We can agree on a specific time which will be convenient to both of us. 

3. Dry Run Demo

We will help you install our software so we can do the dry run together. The dry run will mimic the exact conditions for the exam. 

4. Take the Exam

We will help take the Exam for you and guarantee you a passing Grade. 90% Grade Guaranteed 

5. Payment After 

We will send you a payment link after you complete the Exam and you have seen the Results

Ready to use our Services?

Contact us today and get your 90% on your Proctored Exam
90% Guaranteed | 🇺🇸 | 100% confidential